Thursday, April 7, 2011

African American Female Genital Warts

Lumera - optimize Heliosis practice

Daniel Lumera - optimize practice Heliosis

Light and the information it contains may be displaced, routed and processed by our consciousness. Welfare, happiness, health, vigor and strength are only the superficial aspects of a much deeper phenomenon, involving the depths of our being. The light can be transformed into consciousness because it is of the same essential substance.

Heliosis practitioners have to coordinate case 3 items. When these elements blend seamlessly into the consciousness of the practitioner then the energizing effect and the nutrient quality of light reaching their best effect, also for what concerns the higher states of consciousness.
The first element is represented the will and intention. Will and intention assume no effort or stiffness, but simply attention, it is sufficient that the flow is constant care practitioner in the attempt to absorb and feed on the vital information, nutrition and present evolutionary light.

The second element is to move and absorb the information contained in the light as consciousness. If the practitioner will identify with the body stiffness and effort, but instead is a conscious energy moving everything happens in absolute simplicity, lightness and ease.

The third element is perception: visual and kinesthetic. should see or feel an intense light rich in life and like any other feature that penetrates deeply absorbed through every pore of the skin and nose. If practitioners choose to also look directly at the sun at the times and at the times indicated, the eyes also become an input channel absorbs the light frequencies.

who have problems to view or see energy directly to this phenomenon then you can use a second channel of perception, "feel" the light as it penetrates deeply.

When these three elements fuse together the energizing and nourishing effect is very powerful and can produce profound changes. light beyond producing physical, emotional and mental health (happiness, harmonious thoughts, etc.) can be transformed into a state of higher consciousness , allowing previously inaccessible insights.

Good practice

Daniel Lumera
Source: Consciousness solar Blog


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