Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dishwasher Tarnish Aluminum

to Create Comic Strips!

A valuation techniques or "assessment" is widely used by teachers today it is the comic book. With this technique, the teachers get their information about student in terms of their knowledge, attitudes and values. In addition, they can learn more about of learning and identify strengths and weaknesses of students in developing skills and concepts.

Advantages for students:
1. Opportunity to participate actively by voicing their learning in creative ways.
2. Perceive and interpret different cultural perspectives.
3. Displays the contents of a field in a pleasant and fun.
4. Create awareness on social, political, economic, environmental and scientific world around them.
5. Provides the student with a pleasant atmosphere for teaching and learning and allows self-assess their performance as student.

(Reference: book Measurement, "Assessment" and Evaluation of Educational Achievement - Dalila Rodriguez)

There are several free programs to create strips. Comic Creator For example: READ, WRITE and THINK, which not only serves the teacher as a teaching strategy, but allows students to create their own stories while implementing skills of reading, writing and critical thinking.

Conversations Create A Fun!

We also add other links for you to make your comics:

Oven Set Off Carbon Monoxide Detectory

Towards Creative Education! Technology and Education

Educator Today:
V We live in an era of constant change, technological advances and new discoveries, among others. Our students are exposed to all kinds of changes and so we as educators, we must take the lead and make adjustments where a large impact on the teaching-learning process.
Q ant enjoying next video in the know Preofesor Ron Clark, who is an educator model worthy of emulation.
Professor Ron Clark has shown that a little motivation and change our teaching strategies to achieve their way out of creative education, full of excitement, fun and above all, learning.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Auctchion Fredericton Nb

C hen there are changes, there is a process of resistance. However, given the technological age in which we live we must embrace technology, learning cadad day, let us adapt to it and its allies. As a teacher librarians offer services to a high-tech generation of users, in which computer games and various electronic devices such as "I-Pods, MP3, Nintendo DS, PSP, Wii, cell phones and digital cameras, among others, , are part of everyday life.

L you librarians and teachers in general we educate children and youth so that attractive to them, relevant and fun. This is achieved by adding a digital touch our teaching. For this process to happen, we must fully exploit our creativity and integrate technology to engage the student and get them to work and achieve higher levels of thinking.
Here I present a video, taken from youtube, which shows that it is no technology that we have unless we change our way of imparting education.

technology alone will not produce educational impact we expect. For technology to be effective in the teaching-learning process must take up the challenge and make the necessary changes in our own methodology. Always remembering that on issues of technology our students are eager to discover and ready to implement the new digital age are present. I conclude with a quote from Jose Marti: "To be ahead of the rest, they need to see more .

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How To Make A Bmx Bike Theme Cake

Reading is Fun!

School Library offers a world adventures through reading. By reading the fascinating world of children give wings to your imagination, exploit their creativity, have access to information, increase their vocabulary and explore a world of new ideas and discovery . Parents today have a big challenge, encourage reading at home and develop good reading habits. Then a series of activities to take place at home, published by the University of Illinois. The purpose is to provide fun strategies that promote reading habits at home.

The ABC's Notebook: Use the back of leaves used. Write a capital letter and a lowercase letter on each page. Ask your children to see magazines and newspapers, and connect each letter with a photo. Cut and paste the picture on page of the letter and gather all the pages to make a book with them.

Search alphabetically: Make a list of the letters of the alphabet. Let the kids find and identify objects in the house that start with each one of the letters of the alphabet.

Cartoons: Cut a story with cartoon figure by figure. Let the children put together in order and the story they have created.

Cree Stories: up stories with their children. Taking turns with their children to add parts to the story make this activity more fun.

Expect the End of History: see a book with clippings and stories and ask the children to predict the end of the story based on photos. After the prediction, read the full story to your child.

Concentration Game: Play using coupons, children need to connect two similar products, although the marks are different.

Newspaper Search: Make a list of things to look for and find in the newspaper (eg stories Garfield comic, sports scores, story about a certain event, the weather report, a listing of car, etc.).

Recipes : Choose simple recipes and help children prepare and bake the recipe. Children should read the instructions and measure ingredients. This encourages the use of math and reading.

Walk Without Accident: Take the kids for a walk around the neighborhood or park. Point out signs, house numbers, street names and business names. In the park, let your children name each of the games (eg, swing, etc.).

Repeat: Let your child tell the story after you finish reading .

Phonebook: Make a list of names or business in your city. Allow the children to look in the phone book.

These activities promote reading, but also allows you to share quality time with your child and surely will be grateful forever.

Parent teachers, remember that if children do not learn from the way we teach, then teach them the way they learn.